1Up Enterprise

Websites + Branding

Website Portfolio

Check out our website portfolio

What you can expect From Us

➤ Branding and Marketing:

Imagine your business as a story waiting to be told, and we are your creative companions on this exciting narrative journey. We’re not just service providers; we’re your partners in crafting a brand identity that feels uniquely you. We assist with website development and designing services, Logo designs, business cards, social media marketing, email/text marketing, content creation and ideas, and paid advertising. 

Welcome to a world where our website design services are not just about aesthetics but are crafted to be powerful catalysts for driving traffic and boosting sales. We understand that a website is more than a virtual storefront; it’s your brand’s digital ambassador, and we design it with precision and strategy to be a magnet for success.

➤ Strategic Design for Traffic Surge:

Consider our website designs as dynamic traffic magnets. We strategically structure your site to be search engine-friendly, ensuring that it not only looks great but also ranks high in search results. Our designs are intuitive, offering a seamless user experience that keeps visitors engaged and encourages exploration.

➤ SEO Integration:

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the secret sauce behind our success recipe. We seamlessly integrate SEO best practices into every aspect of your website, from the code to the content. This means that when potential customers search for products or services you offer, your website is positioned to be among the top results, driving organic traffic.

➤ Responsive and Mobile-Friendly:

In a world where everyone is on the go, we ensure your website is a responsive powerhouse. Mobile-friendly design is not just a feature; it’s a necessity. With our services, your website is accessible and visually appealing across all devices, capturing potential customers whether they’re on a desktop, tablet, or smartphone.

➤ Conversion-Optimized Layouts:

It’s not just about attracting visitors; it’s about turning them into customers. Our designs are rooted in conversion optimization principles. We strategically place elements to guide visitors towards desired actions, transforming casual clicks into meaningful interactions that drive sales.

➤ Analytics-Driven Refinements:

We don’t just launch your website and leave it to fate. Our services include ongoing analytics-driven refinements. We monitor user behavior, analyze traffic patterns, and fine-tune your site to ensure it’s always performing at its peak, continuously attracting and converting visitors into loyal customers.

In the realm of website design, we're not just creating digital landscapes; we're building pathways to success. Trust us to not only make your brand look good online but to make it a powerful force that drives traffic, boosts sales, and leaves a lasting impression in the vast digital marketplace. Your journey to digital success begins with a website designed for impact.

Our Pricing


Looking for exceptional services? Check out our service packages! 

We offer a variety of design options to meet your needs and budget. 

We provide expert design, user-friendly layouts, responsive designs for all devices, and tailored solutions to meet your specific needs. Wether you’re launching a new site or revamping an existing one, our team will create a visually appealing and functional website that represents your brand effectively. We also offer a branding package for startups.

Basic Package

  • Basic theme, 1 landing page, responsive layout, booking link - $150 (must purchase domain + Hosting)

Standard Package

  • Choose from a variety of themes, up to 6 pages, content upload, consultation link, payment gateway - $350

Premium Package

  • Custom theme, content upload, videos, links, up to 10 pages, consultation link, E-commerce functionality, SEO integration, live chat, email marketing - $500

Luxe Package (Full Brand Development)

High-end luxury website, unlimited pages, and links, content upload, videos, audio/music, E-commerce functionality, SEO integration, plug-ins, Branding: (Logo, business cards, flyers) Marketing: (Newsletter campaigns, email/text marketing, live chat, social media marketing, paid advertisements) Monthly support retainer

Stay In Touch

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Reach out to us via e-mail and we will get back to you within 24 hours. We’re here to help!


Business Hours

Monday- Friday 9am-7pm Saturdays- 10-4PM Sundays- Closed

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