1Up Enterprise

About Us

About Us

About 1UP Enterprise, LLC

Welcome to 1UP Enterprise, where convenience meets excellence. We’re not just a service provider; we’re your one-stop shop for all things financial and digital. Picture us as your personal financial concierge, simplifying the complex and empowering you on your journey to financial freedom and success.

About Us

About 1UP Enterprise, LLC

Welcome to 1UP Enterprise, where convenience meets excellence. We’re not just a service provider; we’re your one-stop shop for all things financial and digital. Picture us as your personal financial concierge, simplifying the complex and empowering you on your journey to financial freedom and success.

Meet Our Team

Founder and CEO - Janelly V

Meet Nelly, a dynamic force of nature who wears many hats with grace and determination. At the core of her identity, Nelly is a devoted mother, an astute entrepreneur, and a passionate advocate for empowering individuals to embark on their online business journey from the ground up.

With a vision that transcends conventional boundaries, Nelly is on a mission to demystify the process of starting an online business. Drawing upon her own experiences and triumphs, she shares invaluable insights and practical strategies to guide regular people through the intricacies of entrepreneurship. Nelly believes that the online realm holds boundless opportunities, and she is dedicated to helping others unlock their potential in this digital age.

In addition to her role as a mother and business visionary, Nelly is a skilled professional in the realms of branding and marketing. Her expertise extends to crafting compelling brand narratives and developing impactful marketing strategies that resonate with target audiences. Nelly understands the importance of a strong brand presence in the digital landscape and leverages her creative prowess to ensure businesses stand out in a crowded marketplace.

Versatility is a hallmark of Nelly’s skill set, as she seamlessly transitions between roles. From designing visually stunning and user-friendly websites to serving as a proficient loan signing agent, Nelly V has proven her mettle in diverse fields. Her foray into real estate wholesaling showcases her adaptability and business acumen, while her experience in e-commerce underscores her proficiency in navigating the ever-evolving landscape of online retail.

Nelly isn’t just a businesswoman; she’s a mentor, a strategist, and a catalyst for positive change. Whether you’re a budding entrepreneur seeking guidance or an established business looking to elevate your brand, Nelly is the beacon of support you’ve been searching for. Join her on this transformative journey, and together, let’s turn dreams into reality in the vast and dynamic world of online business.



Personal and Business Funding Expert


Personal and Business Funding Expert


Justin Sandoval

Tax and Credit Specialist

Justin Sandoval

Tax and Credit Specialist


Mikel M.

Web Designer

Mikel M.

Web Designer


Carmen S.

Real Estate Coach/Notary

Carmen S.

Real Estate Coach/Notary

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